Sunday, July 15, 2012

Crazy Summers are the best kinds of summers.

We have been insanely busy this summer. and so much has happened. We blessed Gwen on June 1st. it was lovely. I should have blogged right afterward so Id remember more. but what I do remember is he blessed her to be like her older brothers. Excited to learn and quick to Love. I thought that was very sweet. Jon has finished 13 of 48 credits of his masters program. AMAZING!! and hard. WE miss him when he is at school. but are so glad he is doing so well. Me and the kids at home have been really busy with crafts, splashpads, playing in the mud at Jetts, and other summer time activities. A few weeks ago we went on the Butler Family Fishing trip. WE HAD A BLAST. WE enjoyed our very own trailer this year. it was very comfy and cozy. and Gwenny did so great on her first camping trip. For the 4th of July we went to Uncle Kyles new house and had a BBQ. then we went to Jons office and watched fireworks from the roof. IT was a blast. now I think I will just unload a ton of photos and let them speak for themselves.
so far this summer has been most excellent. we can't complain. well, we have had 2 complaints. Max steppend on a bee at the Splashpad. THat was rotten. we will take precautions to not let that happen again, and Rocko fell in the river when they were catching frogs with dad. TOtal bummer. but man it was stinking cute!

1 comment:

kate said...

What a great summer. Swimming, camping, fireworks. IT's the stuff dreams are made of.

I love that little Gwen of yours. She's so sweet!

Miss you!