Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Doctor Doctor

Today we went to the splash pad and got snow cones. it was nice. yesterday was not as nice. all three kids went to see the doctor. Matix got his Kindergarten shots. He was such a brave boy and did so great. He only cried for a minute, then once he had the spiderman and phineaus and ferb sticker it was the best day ever. Also Dad got him an IronMan mask. so that was awesome. He is in the 50% for height and 20% for weight. Rocko had a great sheck-up and was really glad he didn't have to get "poked". he was nervous for a minute. and kept saying "I dont want to get poked Mom." every few seconds. He is in the 80% for both height and weight and Dr. Clark told us if the boys stay where they are on the growth charts, Max will be around 5'9 or 10. and Rocko will be 6'1 or 2. They remind me of my brothers so much and I think they will be following Uncle Kody and Kyle in Stature. Gwenny did so good as well. She didnt cry during her PKU test and she went from being 5 lbs. 5oz to 6 lbs. 3oz. Almost gained a whole pound. Im a proud Momma. I love these little people so much.

1 comment:

kate said...

You should be a proud momma! They totally look like Kody and Kyle now, so I can totally picture them all tall and handsome.

And miss Gwen looks like Matix in this one. :)