Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Color Week

So my new friend Randi started this fun project last week.
and I was supposed to post new color photos everyday.
but never found the time.
[the boys have been especially busy lately playing in or with scissors, the toilet, garbage, shovels, knives, household cleaner...super fun stuff huh.]

So I am going to have a ginormous post filled with random photos, some were included in color week, others are just whats happening with the BUTTS!


[spiders find guitar strings comfy cozy]

[ I asked Jon Butler to make a chore chart and described the basics, he came home with the chore bus. Love it and him]

[we found this detour sign in a dumpster, cleaned it and hung it. classy.]


[last week in Joyschool the kids learned about Gunny Bag. he's a pillow case that eats your toys if they are not picked up...Our Gunny Bag has actually turned into a buddy to sleep with that keeps bad dreams away.]


Its a colorful life we Live and Love!


kate said...

I love Color week. What a fun way to capture what's around you.

Oh and PS Max is huge. What?! I swear he aged a year since I saw him three weeks ago. Did he get a hair cut? Maybe that's it. :)

Sandra said...

You had me at Simon and Garfunkel on the piano!
Your pictures truly were beautiful. Are you a photographer?
I do love the idea of colouring posts, but I'm always afraid to try it for fear that I'll be called a "copycat"...and I can't draw worth beans.

Catherine said...

love color week. love your boys. love your passion for music. love you.

Seriously, Lyndy, this whole post makes me smile so bright. It's very fun and well, uh colorful I'd say. ;)

Randi Gardner said...

Yay! I love it!!!!

cerrah said...

I love these... I might have to do a color week here soon. It just made me happy to look at your photos.

p.s. Your new camera is fabulous.